How does it work?

  1. Check out our Github:
  2. Browse through the assignments based on your role and select the one that interests you the most.
  3. Create a public repository on your GitHub profile with the name of the chosen assignment.
  4. Implement the home assignment in your repository.
  5. Return to our Github and create a pull request to add your implementation to the submissions list.
  6. Seek feedback: Post your task in Slack in the imagine-github-assignments and ask your fellow fellows and tech coaches for feedback.

If you can't find a task that is suitable for your experience, Let us know! We are working on increasing the number of projects in here!

How can I join the Slack Channel?

  1. Find your Slack invitation in your emails from Sofia (subject: “You’re a fellow now”)
  2. Join slack and you’ll find the Github channel on the left side on Slack
  3. Simply click on it and "join"